Torah Study

Torah Study is a vibrant place for Kolot members to wrestle with Torah together, from 9:00-10:00 a.m. on Zoom and in-person. Non-members are welcome to stop in for a visit. If you are a Kolot member who would like to be added to the Torah Study listserv to receive materials about the weekly Parsha, please email

Readings (all in translation) are provided. Generally, we study the parasha, meaning the Torah portion assigned to the week in question.

Torah study at Kolot is open to all and is an ‘all opinions on deck’ operation. Whatever your relationship (or not) with God, and whatever your level of knowledge of Torah, Hebrew, or Judaism, we welcome your questions and opinions. Please join us on a regular basis or drop in when the spirit moves you.

Our study is led by a facilitator who chooses the parts of the Parsha we will read, usually brings some readings from various commentaries, and often proposes themes or questions to be discussed. Often those are prelude to wide-ranging discussions initiated by comments and questions from anyone in the group.

Interested in Torah Study?

Interested in learning more about Torah Study? Email