Justice Work

Kolot Chayeinu has a long legacy of justice-seeking and honoring members’ many identities in both Jewish ritual and community.

Gathering in community and to do the work of repair, tikkun olam, are dear to Kolot. During this time of growth at Kolot, we are working to continue to build upon Kolot’s legacy of activism and engagement and nurture this important work. Please reach out to Brett Parker, Executive Director, to learn more about connecting with Kolot around any of the following issues and spaces, or with ideas around programming you’d like to see at Kolot.

The Race Working Group has led Kolot to embrace anti-racism as a core mission of our community. Please read more about the RWG’s past and ongoing work here. Co-Chairs: Yonii Bock and Lisa Zbar.

Gemilut Chasadim/Acts of Loving Kindness: Help support Kolot members by showing up (virtually or in person) with errands, schlepping, pet-walking, or meal delivery during times of need, including birth, death, illness, loss, or joy. Please let Brett Parker know if you’d like to be notified when Kolotniks need support.

For years, the Queer & Trans Working Group worked to advance queer and trans inclusivity; its Best Practices for Trans Inclusion continues to shape the ways we gather at Kolot.

The Immigrant/Refugee Working Group (IRWG) has long worked to raise the issues of, advocate for, and stand with immigrants and refugees by engaging Kolotniks in this work. Co-Chairs: Ellen Garvey (ellenggarvey@gmail.com) and Nancy Goldhill (ngoldhill@gmail.com).

Direct Service: To get involved in direct service and asylum seeker support, please connect with Kolotniks Rachel Hyman at rachel.a.hyman@gmail.com and Sarah Eisenstein at sarah.eisenstein@gmail.com.

Climate Work: Kolot is pleased to have joined the Jewish Climate Leadership Coalition, and are strong supporters of both Dayenu and Jewish Youth Climate Movement. Building upon a robust history of bank divestment, Kolot is beginning to steward our climate impact plan forward and launch a Dayenu Circle. If you are interested in getting involved in this work, please reach out to Kolotnik Liz Schalet at lschalet@gmail.com.

The Israel/Palestine Taskforce (IPTF): Help facilitate conversations among members to process our individual and collective feelings towards the crisis and horrors that have continued to unfold in Israel/Palestine, and create opportunities for members to engage with/review/revise Kolot’s Open Tent policy. For a progress report of the IPTF, click here. Reach out to co-chairs Yonii Bock and Audrie King at IPTaskforce@kolotchayeinu.org.