
If you’re looking for warm community, joyous Jewishness, intentional engagement, and critical questioning, make this the year you become a member and help shape Kolot’s exciting future!

Sign up below for the 5785 membership season, which began on September 1, 2024! 

Get to know our clergy here.

Existing members can visit their accounts and make payments here.

Please scroll down for more information and to become a member.

The Logistics

  • Our dues system reflects our values: It's based on each individual's financial situation, and it's flexible. View our suggested dues structure for 5785 here. You are invited to pay more if you can, and less if you must. Since income from dues only covers about 50% of Kolot’s expenses, we trust that anyone who is able to pay the suggested amount or more will do so, which is one way to help Kolot maintain the Fair Share Dues structure.

  • Online: ShulCloud

    Checks: Please mail to Kolot Chayeinu, 320 7th Avenue, #314, Brooklyn, NY 11215

  • The personal and financial information Kolot Chayeinu members share with the office is handled with the utmost care. Only a small number of Kolot staff and Board members have access to it and we maintain confidentiality as part of our responsibility for fiscal oversight, financial planning, and fundraising. Financial information is never made public except by special arrangement and with consent of the contributor. If you have any concerns about your personal or financial information, please contact

  • Please contact our office at (718) 395-9950 or Executive Director Brett Reid Parker at and we'll help.

Why join now?

Connect with our community at upcoming events and learn about our Gemilut Chasadism committee and other groups that foster relationship building and acts of loving kindness.

Explore ancient and contemporary texts with Torah Study or Adult Learning.

Reach into Shabbat. Engage your mind and rejuvenate your spirit through our communal holiday celebrations.

Educate and foster your child’s Jewish identity in our Youth & Family Program and at Shabbat gatherings.

Lead, learn, organize, and agitate in support of issues deeply important to our community and partners: Racial Justice, Israel/Palestine, and Immigrant/Refugee Justice.

As our mission statement says,

“All hands are needed to build our community.”

I love that my family, like other Kolot families, will be seen, supported and asked to serve on behalf of the whole. While we ascribe to the core values of this community, our aspirations for a just world and how we practice our Judaism is not monolithic and we find value in the diverse ways in which we use and join our voices.

-Imani Chapman, she/her/ella, Flatbush

Kolot is the place where my queer Jew-by-choice self is not only respected, but valued. All voices, minds, and hands are expected to contribute and take responsibility for sustaining a vibrant ritual community, as well as enacting tikkun olam [repair the world] in the streets and in partnership with other communities.

-Joseph Hayden, they/them, Prospect Park South

Having joined right around the [2016] election and inauguration, I have come to view my two hours a week or so at Kolot as safe space, as a haven in a hideous world, and that has meant the world to me.

 -Hasia Diner, Greenwich Village 

I’ve been an educator and community member at Kolot Chayeinu since 2010 and I am so grateful. Kolot is a place where I feel truly accepted and embraced for who I am without any pretense and that is just one of the greatest gifts.

-Amanda Miller, she/her/hers, Kensington