Member Resources

Gemilut Chasadim/Acts of Loving Kindness:

Members of our Gemilut Chasadim committee help Kolotniks with shivas as well as meals, visits, errands, and other support. If you or someone you know in the Kolot community is experiencing a time of needing communal support (mourning a loss/welcoming the arrival of a new baby/navigating an illness, for example), or if you would like to offer support to Kolotniks during such moments, please contact And, if you find yourself needing a helping hand, please reach out to Kathy Blyn at That is what the Gemilut Chasadim team and the Kolot community are here for!

Navigating your ShulCloud Account:

5785 (2024-2025) Fair Share Dues Structure

How to Set up a Payment Plan for Your 5785 (2024-2025) Dues

How to Make an Online Payment/Set up a Payment Plan for Your Account Balance

How to Add a Yahrzeit Observance to your Account

Jewish Holiday Resources:

5784 (2024) Staff & Clergy Picks for Chanukah

5784 (2024) Passover Resources

This page is currently a work-in-progress. Check back soon for more member resources.